EMAIL to make a booking or visit our contact form here

The WI Hall has regular hires on a weekly and monthly basis, which you can see on our calendar. You are welcome to request a booking for any hours that are not already reserved.


£15/per hour

Please be sure to book sufficient time either side of your event or class, to allow for set-up and take-down/washing up/stacking chairs etc. The car park is yours for the duration of your paid time and other hirers will need to come in at the end of that time (or may be there at the beginning), so we advise sufficient time for change-over as the car park entrance is quite tight.

NOTE: If you wish to request use any specific equipment (ie our piano, audio, oven) while in the hall, please be sure to ask when emailing your hire enquiry. This includes the hiring of bouncy castles which must be of a suitable size for the hall/height of the hall’s ceiling. We are able to pass on details of firms that have castles to fit safely into our hall.

Terms and Conditions of hire

Please read the Hiring Conditions before booking the hall (this will open in a new tab).

EMAIL to make a booking or complete our contact form here